Ethics and Compliance

Built With Integrity

At First Yumaj Nigeria Limited, we are changing the world for the better, solving our customers’ complex challenges by leveraging our experience with impactful thinking and innovative solutions while staying true to our culture & values. We have decades of cumulative experience in building an ethical culture, greatly contributing to our unparalleled reputation in the industry.

Code Of Conduct & Employee Training

Our Code of Conduct reinforces our pledge to always do the right thing. We expect every employee to read and understand the Code of Conduct and we encourage employees to speak up if there is a concern and to seek guidance at any time about the right thing to do. All employees are required to go through annual training to ensure compliance with the principles outlined in the Code.

Combating Human Trafficking

First Yumaj Nigeria Limited is committed to combatting human trafficking and child labor wherever we operate. Respect for the human rights of the people we employ and the people employed by our suppliers is paramount. ln compliance with Nigerian and international law and regulations, we perform due diligence through third-party screenings to confirm that entities we partner with, source labor from, or otherwise do business with are legitimate and trustworthy enterprises that respect human rights and do not violate human trafficking or child labor laws. Our program managers are empowered to and charged with ensuring that all workers receive adequate housing and medical care, that employees have custody of their passports, and that employees receive copies of their employment records in their own language.

Compliance With International Trade Rules & Regulations

International Trade Compliance laws and regulations are essential to protect the national security of Nigeria and our foreign partner nations. Working for a Nigeria foreign partner or in a foreign location subjects’ us to the controls set up by those governments as well as any applicable international agreements. Our work is subject to multiple laws and regulations related to export controls, economic sanctions, trade embargoes, boycotts, and the importing of goods in Nigeria and abroad. Strict compliance with all applicable international trade controls is a company requirement.

Including Business Partners In Ethics & Compliance Program

Our Business Partners are required to be in alignment with all the items listed here, and to maintain high standards of business conduct. We also require that our partners comply with the laws and regulations that govern their business and the business they do on our behalf.

Dedication To Continual Improvement

While the above outlines the core parts of our commitment to being an ethical and compliant company, it by no means represents the entirety of the efforts we undertake daily. We are continually monitoring and improving our performance, and working with employees, leadership, our clients, regulatory bodies, legal professionals, and others stakeholders to make adjustments.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Experience, Passion, and Purpose are the pillars First Yumaj Nigeria Limited employees bring to the workplace and to the communities where we live and work. Giving back to the society is woven into the fiber of our organization and subsidiaries. Our commitment to making a difference in society is embedded in everything we do. As an organization with a leadership culture, we engage actively in Corporate Social Responsibility as we positively impact the lives of people in our immediate community and beyond. Our CSR activities seek to sustainably improve the quality of life where we operate by focusing on giving back to the society. First Yumaj Nigeria Limited gives back through philanthropic donations and volunteerism. We believe in leadership through service and stewardship. As a company, we are dedicated to coming together to engage with our communities around the world.

We are committed to giving back via efforts and organizations that support: 

Our Nations Military Members and Their Families

First Yumaj Nigeria Limited is honored to partner with organizations that provide critical support to those who are serving or have served our country. Community Outreach and Engagement: Being connected to the communities where we work is a priority. Employees, subsidiaries and stakeholders are passionate about engaging with their communities and helping improve the quality of life where we live and work.

Education and Skills Development

We are dedicated to supporting mentoring programs and other activities to help create the next generation of leaders in critical fields. For us to make significant impact we invest in education, acquisition and development of skills for young people in the communities we operate. This is key in value creation as well as wealth and employment. This is the first step in curbing security challenges, it goes a long way to show our commitment to youth development as we help them access to the needed education or skill.

Access To Health Care

For us, access to quality healthcare is important which is why we work with our partners to provide proper health and medical facilities for the communities we operate in. We are also strong advocates on healthy living and have several initiatives that sensitize the general public.

Disaster Relief

Working with our communities to aid in recovery from disasters. We work with local authorities and organizations in the rebuilding process